Hardly a looker in its day, Theme Hospital has managed to hold up over time thanks to its solid sprite-work and simple environmental design meaning it’s easy to look at today, if a little rough around the edges. It gives the game an identity and a larger than life feel that seems somewhat unmatched to this day – no other developer has quite managed to match the political incorrectness (a bank manager with dollar bills popping out of his suit), quick-fire jokes and social commentary like this since. Right from the opening cutscene of a super-doctor operating on a patient before dumping his body as the procedure goes wrong, you’ll know you’re in for a treat – this permeates through every other aspect of the game from the humorous receptionist announcements to the bonkers diseases you’ll treat such as Bloaty Head and Transparency (caused by licking foil yogurt lids). What makes Theme Hospital special to so many gamers is the world that’s constructed here – 90’s Bullfrog were absolute masters of biting satire and that’s fully present here. Aside from this, there’s really no actual story as you’re simply tasked with ensuring the profitability and reputation of each job you’re assigned.
Stay tuned as this exclusive two-part series on the construction of NIMBYLand will continue on Friday.In Theme Hospital you play as a manager who oversees a stream of hospitals with the goal of working his or her way up the bureaucratic chain to earn the big money at the top. “We designed NIMBYLand to teach our children to stop complaining about being unable to afford a house in a nice neighborhood, and instead, pay just $300 for an entire day pretending to live in one…until the park closes at midnight, that is.” “Our goal isn’t to build some profit-driven, corporate theme park that will bring more tax revenue to the city,” said YesterdayLand architect and historian Pierce Lawrence.

After passing several Victorian and Craftsman homes, the tour then makes a detour to visit that new modern house on Carroll Avenue for riders to throw rocks at. A YesterdayLand Monorail tour will guide guests through the park’s historic district, which features several closed businesses that residents forced to reopen, including Video Americain, that bead store, and Park Pharmacy. NIMBYLand focuses on fun for the whole family but will also educate visitors about the past in the YesterdayLand wing of the park. It’s a small town after all…of the regulations we have created to prevent new people like you from being able to move here!”
Visitors looking for a slower ride can hop on a floating raft in “It’s a Small Town” where whimsical animatronic figures sing a catchy little song about how NIMBY neighborhoods all over the world keep their little suburbs free from development: The main attraction will be Parking Space Mountain, an exhilarating rush in a Subaru Outback through a large surface parking lot, making sharp turns to avoid cyclists and pedestrians and ending at that perfect parking spot just steps from an organic grocery store’s entrance. NIMBYLand promises to be a fun-filled paradise with adventurous, exciting rides. “And that dream is creating the happiest place on earth where everything stays exactly the same as the day you moved here.” “NIMBYLand is where you go to make all your dreams come true,” said the City Manager while wearing the theme park’s signature Nimbee antennas. TAKOMA PARK, MD – Anticipating a Planning Board approval of the “minor master plan” to upzone the site of the former Washington Adventist Hospital, Takoma Park city officials purchased the property and began planning for the creation of the county’s only major theme park: NIMBYLand.